This course, Business Models for Community Energy, belongs to Sustainable Communities in Energy Transition programme (One year, 60 ECTS).
Incorporate the formulated business models in community plans and advocate for business solutions and policies that contribute to equitable and regenerative local economies!
You also can
- research, analyse and define new and existed business models, based on national and the EU policy frameworks of sustainable communities in energy transitions
- assess and compare different business models in different countries with respect to country specifics.
Course details
– Community renewable energy business opportunities and challenges
– Business models in different countries with respect to country specifics
– Formulating alternative business models for the community energy transition
– Business models for the circular economy and regenerative economic development
– Incorporating business models into community planning
5 ECTS (1 ECTS=27 hours)
Target audience
– For Business: Experts working in the field of Energy – For Education: Leaders, experts at all levels and students with 120 ECTS obtained of the associated/applicable involved degree program.
September-May yearly
Application deadline March yearly