The course covers essential topics such as the key definitions and concepts of the circular economy, key strategic guidelines, and the exploitation of bio economy by-products.

Course details

  • Designed by professionals and experts at both EU and global level
  • You will also learn about industrial symbiosis, industrial and agricultural by-products, and their utilization as material or energy.
  • This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to make a positive impact in the world.
  • 5 ETCS
Content Training consists of online lectures, seminars, discussions with member stakeholders engage in circular economy
Methods Online teaching and exam
Target audience – Business: future experts in field of circular economy, and carbon neutrality – Education: teaching or research professionals in transdisciplinary/interdisciplinary development related to the field of circular economy, and carbon neutrality The main target audiences are
Duration Approximately 2-3 months. 1ECTS = 27 hours of coursework