Learn about forecasting of bioeconomy, future scenarios, signals of change, and innovative business model creation. Understand the factors behind innovations and innovativeness and find out what are the potential benefits for businesses. The future is not predetermined but one can master the foresighting tools and the strategic alternatives to have a strong influence in it. 

Find the answers to some of the most relevant questions such as: 

What will or might happen in forest bioeconomy in the future?

What do the futures avenues mean to my business? 

How can I create a robust business model, which is adaptable in a changing business environment?   

Course details

  • A live introductory lecture to get participants on board (not compulsory)
  • An online scenario generation workshop to train futures thinking and tools (compulsory)
  • Small-group work on Future-smart business model creation
  • An online seminar in which the groups present their work and insights and provide peer comments to each other (flipped learning approach) (compulsory)
  • Featured with video lectures & background material on digital platform
  • Evaluation includes short tasks, quizzes per module & peer/professor assessment of small-group work at the end of the course
Scope 3 ECTS (1 ECTS=27 hours of course work)
Duration The course can be complete within three months from opening the platform
Qualifications Basic education or expertise in bioeconomy, forestry, forestry practices, forest industry or forest related sciences recommended or if coming from other fields (multidisciplinary) strong interest or background in those
Target audience for business Professionals or entrepreneurs in the areas of forestry, forest industry, forest technologies, bio-products
Target audience for education Students, educators, and researchers with knowledge in forestry, forest sciences and/or forest industry
Availability Limited places to the course due to the group work practicalities